Saturday, August 29, 2015

My Thoughts on Public Comments

Speech Act

A speech act is any text, video, or audio posted to the public and let me start mine by saying Donald Trump is... a character as many of you may already know. To be honest I am a little tired of hearing about this individual in particular and from the looks of the comments other people are tired of hearing what this individual (Donald Trump) has to say. If other people comment that they do not want to hear what Donald Trump has to say does that mean there is fear or anxiety in them shown through their comments?
    I say yes. People are not only in fear of this candidate becoming president but, they are also in anger with Donald Trumps choice of words.Then there are others who are in fear of the Mexicans because they believe that they are bringing "dog fighting" to the U.S.

What kinds beliefs and values are represented in these comments? How would you characterize the kinds of values and beliefs being expressed in the comments?
Well, from reading the comments it seem like most people like to be rational but, there are a few irrational comments coming from people. 

Which people that had commented came across as the most reasonable? What made them seem reasonable?
The people who came across as more reasonable are those who could see both sides of the issue and not be completely bias towards one side. One someone can see both sides of a controversial topic it makes them seem more reasonable. 

Which people came across as lacking credibility or trustworthiness? Why didn’t they seem trustworthy?
I would say grading someones trustworthiness is on the same grading system as grading someone on their rationality. I feel I could trust someone who was reasonable and rational.


  1. I definitely agree with you and am tired of hearing about this guy. I think when people are constantly talking about him, positively or negatively, it keeps his name alive in the media and makes him the topic to discuss even longer.

  2. I agree when you say that people who come off as unbiased are often more thought of as trustworthy or credible.
