Saturday, September 12, 2015

My Future

  • What do students in your program learn how to do?
  •    - The students in the Nursing program learn how to care for others.They learn about the human body and learn that nursing is a calling.

  • What do people who get degrees in this field usually go on to do for work?
  •     -Usually those who follow the career path to be a nurse pursue their journey in a hospital like setting to help others in physical need of  the help.

  • What drew you to this field?
  •     I have always been one to enjoy the humbleness that comes from helping those in need of it. Ever since I was five I knew I wanted to help. Although I did change from wanting to be a vet to being a nurse to then being a psychologist to then going back to be a nurse again, I have always kept myself in the same general direction. On top of that, the human body is interesting. How am I going to live my life not knowing how I work? I mean, how am I suppose to go day by day using bones I don't know the names of, or not knowing how my own self was made through DNA. Its kind of like having a million dollar check in your hands but, being blind. Therefore  you cannot see nor comprehend it's worth or use but yet you still carry it in your pocket everyday. ( Not trying to rad out any blind people, this was just an example)

    After reading my classmates future plans I found that most people do not know what to do. It seems more like what is meant for some people to do is thrown at them and not really given to them through hard searching. The two classmates I have read about was  and

    1 comment:

    1. Hi Stephanie! I can definitely relate to you, I also wanted to be a vet before pursuing psychology. Primarily it was because I didn't want to feel like I was living to work. If I were to have pursued vet medicine, I would've gone on to be a large animal vet. Unfortunately, you're life becomes your job. Not necessarily just due to time, but emotionally as well. I decided psychology was more suitable because I can apply it to just about any aspect of business and still aim to keep my personal life afloat.
