Saturday, September 19, 2015

Blog post 3.10

To those of who are not interested in skin care should look into the brightening skin care debated. Skin care is usually more of a womanly subject and more women than men buy skin care products. as we all may know through our everyday surroundings of magazines and social media on the internet, women are very harshly judged on their physical appearance. No matter it being face or body woman typically are more harshly judged on their appearance than men. For this reason women feel more of a need to maintain health, flawless, glowing, young skin. As most of us know we all have different skin types and different imperfections to fix about ourselves ( I personally like to call them perfect imperfection). For this reason, some women feel the need to buy brightening skin care product which most of these woman are woman with a darker complexion like African American women and Indian. The debate is should it be banned? Diaspora Dash believes that it should be banned not only because it is bad for the skin but, it is also bad that woman want to change their naturally skin color. "The real problem is the fact people feel the need to alter their colour, she says. Crosby has worked in several cities hosting workshops and creating leadership programs for youth. At times, young people of colour would describe themselves as "bad” for having darker skin, and she says most of the time, the media’s representation of people of colour doesn’t help"  In the Ivory Coast, the government had actually banned all whitening skin care cream.   "Last week, the Ivory Coast banned all skin-whitening creams and lotions over fears that the cosmetic products can cause long-term health problems, BBC News reported. A statement from the health ministry advised that “Cosmetic lightening and hygiene creams … that de-pigment the skin … are now forbidden,” according to The Guardian." Although some believe it should be banned others believe it should not. A African American woman is personally using skin car cream and believes that it is silly to banned because she has issues the pigmentation and not her skin color. Although this may be true Dr. Michael Jones reiterates that lightening agents are meant to be used on small areas, not the entire body. He says he sees patients on a weekly basis who want to lighten only a small skin lesion or a specific dark mark. "And in those cases, we say, 'Hey, yes, we can help you and we will give you a lightening agent that will help to affect an improvement on your overall appearance," he says. "But we don't want you to use this product all over your face, all over your body.'" All in all, woman should have the liberty to do what they want.

In the Highled areas this is where my quotes are and important information about skin care debates. 

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