Saturday, September 19, 2015

4.10 Paragraph Analysis

I have added a photo and here is a copy for my paragraph analysis. I have found that looking on other drafts has extremely helped me get a better idea of what I am suppose to do and how I am suppose to do it. I feel a lot more comfortable and confident to fix my project into something even better.

4.8 Reflection on Project 1 Draft

After reviewing I found that I needed a lot more work on my project and actually went back and fixed up a bit more by providing a picture and bibliography . I fixed it more than I did previously. Andrew is doing a great job and I really want to give him credit for that and also thank him because it is a very help example for his classmate.I think Andrews probably help me more than I could help him. As for I feel like Steve did a good job. although I did mention Putting in some photos to grasp the readers attention.

4.3 Thoughts on Drafting

After reading Students Guide it helped in some ways and it also did not help in other ways.

Way in which it had helped myself for writing my draft. 
    - Know what exactly and how exactly my professor wants my work'
    - Good refresher if you have forgotten some information from past knowledge

Ways in which id had not helped myself in writing my draft.
    - most of the guiding tips were self explanatory.

Blog Post 3.15 Draft of Quick Refernce Guide

To those of you who are interested in peer reviewing my work please feel free to give me honest a harsh criticism. I love honesty and prefer to hear the harsh truth. I feel That I may need a lot more fixing to do in the word flow, maybe who ever can can give me some comments as to what I should do for that. Also keep in mind to keep an open mind. This is not to hear your opinion over the debate but, to hear what you have to say about my writing style. Thank you ! Here is the link


After rereading my project I found a few errors in grammar. I didn't change my ideas, I like how they are but, I am open to suggestions. I also re edited my highlighted areas. Here is the link to my edited project:

Blog post 3.10

To those of who are not interested in skin care should look into the brightening skin care debated. Skin care is usually more of a womanly subject and more women than men buy skin care products. as we all may know through our everyday surroundings of magazines and social media on the internet, women are very harshly judged on their physical appearance. No matter it being face or body woman typically are more harshly judged on their appearance than men. For this reason women feel more of a need to maintain health, flawless, glowing, young skin. As most of us know we all have different skin types and different imperfections to fix about ourselves ( I personally like to call them perfect imperfection). For this reason, some women feel the need to buy brightening skin care product which most of these woman are woman with a darker complexion like African American women and Indian. The debate is should it be banned? Diaspora Dash believes that it should be banned not only because it is bad for the skin but, it is also bad that woman want to change their naturally skin color. "The real problem is the fact people feel the need to alter their colour, she says. Crosby has worked in several cities hosting workshops and creating leadership programs for youth. At times, young people of colour would describe themselves as "bad” for having darker skin, and she says most of the time, the media’s representation of people of colour doesn’t help"  In the Ivory Coast, the government had actually banned all whitening skin care cream.   "Last week, the Ivory Coast banned all skin-whitening creams and lotions over fears that the cosmetic products can cause long-term health problems, BBC News reported. A statement from the health ministry advised that “Cosmetic lightening and hygiene creams … that de-pigment the skin … are now forbidden,” according to The Guardian." Although some believe it should be banned others believe it should not. A African American woman is personally using skin car cream and believes that it is silly to banned because she has issues the pigmentation and not her skin color. Although this may be true Dr. Michael Jones reiterates that lightening agents are meant to be used on small areas, not the entire body. He says he sees patients on a weekly basis who want to lighten only a small skin lesion or a specific dark mark. "And in those cases, we say, 'Hey, yes, we can help you and we will give you a lightening agent that will help to affect an improvement on your overall appearance," he says. "But we don't want you to use this product all over your face, all over your body.'" All in all, woman should have the liberty to do what they want.

In the Highled areas this is where my quotes are and important information about skin care debates. 

Blog Post 3.7

1.) What do the conventions of this genre - the Quick Reference Guide - seem to be? 
    Its seems to me that it a stigmatization of important information that cover controversial issues.
2.)How are those conventions defined by the author’s formatting and design choices?
    They are defined by the audience. Since they are short paragraphs over set points the author designed the purposely to get to the point more quickly and nor bore the audience from lengthy reading.

3.)What does the purpose of these QRGs seem to be?
    They seem to be short, sweet and to the point.

4.)Who is the intended audience for these different QRGs? Are they all intended for similar audiences? Or different? How & why?
    Yes and No. QRGs are for those who are looking for a quick answer but, different QRGs have different answer for different topics which means they are meant for different audiences. For example one may be over the body while another is over killing. Both audience want a short and quick answer but, to different topics. 

5.)How do the QRGs use imagery or visuals? Why do you think they use them in this way?
    I noticed that most QRGS use imagery in the start of their writing so they can caught the viewers attention. 

After reading and leaving a comment on Anhony's and and Andrew's post I feel that between the three of us we all had the same ideas for answering these three questions about QRGs 

Blog Post 3.5 Cluster

Here is my scattered mind on an image.


After going onto and scatter sheet I find mine to be in between the both of them. Andrews is more though out and complex as oppose to Anthony's is more simple and easy to read. I feel that mine is simple but, not as easy to read. By looking on their post I want to incorporate more noticeable arrows.

4 more sources

   This article provides hands on experience of a women who uses whiting skin care products. The purpose of the article was to show that the products should not be banned. She goes to explain that these products are not to whiten skin color but to brighten pigmentation. 

2.) As you can see I like videos. I decided on this source because it was a debate against the first source. The source provides the opinion of a dermatologist that is against bleaching skin. 

3.) This is a New York times source that explains how whitening creams were banned. They were not rid of because of social acceptance but, because they were literally damaging the skin of darker complexion women.  

4.) This sources explains how the real problem of bleaching skin care products is the fact that women feel that they need to bleach their skin to have a lighter complexion. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Blog 2.6

These are the two sources I will use for my project and the answers to the questions under Tips & Strageties
Tips & Strageties 

Source 1 : 


Author: Huffington Post

Purpose: Whether bleaching skin care products should be on market.

Last Update: Posted: Updated: 

Graphics: Yes, this source provides a video graphic that shows the women who use the bleaching products as well as dermitoligist who are against the product. 

Posotion on Subject: This source is against the bleaching skin care product. Not only is it impure but, it is also bad for the skin.

Source 2:



Purpose: This sourse provides debates across the board on both whether whitening skin care products should be bannden not bannden. 

Last Update: 2015

Graphics: does provide one graphic of a women who is half tan and half white which shows the main topin that is debateed over on this website. 


Saturday, September 12, 2015

My Future

  • What do students in your program learn how to do?
  •    - The students in the Nursing program learn how to care for others.They learn about the human body and learn that nursing is a calling.

  • What do people who get degrees in this field usually go on to do for work?
  •     -Usually those who follow the career path to be a nurse pursue their journey in a hospital like setting to help others in physical need of  the help.

  • What drew you to this field?
  •     I have always been one to enjoy the humbleness that comes from helping those in need of it. Ever since I was five I knew I wanted to help. Although I did change from wanting to be a vet to being a nurse to then being a psychologist to then going back to be a nurse again, I have always kept myself in the same general direction. On top of that, the human body is interesting. How am I going to live my life not knowing how I work? I mean, how am I suppose to go day by day using bones I don't know the names of, or not knowing how my own self was made through DNA. Its kind of like having a million dollar check in your hands but, being blind. Therefore  you cannot see nor comprehend it's worth or use but yet you still carry it in your pocket everyday. ( Not trying to rad out any blind people, this was just an example)

    After reading my classmates future plans I found that most people do not know what to do. It seems more like what is meant for some people to do is thrown at them and not really given to them through hard searching. The two classmates I have read about was  and