Saturday, August 29, 2015

My Thoughts on Public Comments

Speech Act

A speech act is any text, video, or audio posted to the public and let me start mine by saying Donald Trump is... a character as many of you may already know. To be honest I am a little tired of hearing about this individual in particular and from the looks of the comments other people are tired of hearing what this individual (Donald Trump) has to say. If other people comment that they do not want to hear what Donald Trump has to say does that mean there is fear or anxiety in them shown through their comments?
    I say yes. People are not only in fear of this candidate becoming president but, they are also in anger with Donald Trumps choice of words.Then there are others who are in fear of the Mexicans because they believe that they are bringing "dog fighting" to the U.S.

What kinds beliefs and values are represented in these comments? How would you characterize the kinds of values and beliefs being expressed in the comments?
Well, from reading the comments it seem like most people like to be rational but, there are a few irrational comments coming from people. 

Which people that had commented came across as the most reasonable? What made them seem reasonable?
The people who came across as more reasonable are those who could see both sides of the issue and not be completely bias towards one side. One someone can see both sides of a controversial topic it makes them seem more reasonable. 

Which people came across as lacking credibility or trustworthiness? Why didn’t they seem trustworthy?
I would say grading someones trustworthiness is on the same grading system as grading someone on their rationality. I feel I could trust someone who was reasonable and rational.

2015 Controversies

Skin, Skin, and More Skin

One Major thing you should know about me is that I am a skincare freak!

After looking at the 2015 controversies on Google I found an article that covered skincare. This artice called The Controversial Skin- Bleach Phenomenon , discusses the issue of women trying to whiten their skin. I found this interesting because not only was it a debate over whether the products were good for your skin but, it also covered the debate to whether companies should be selling this type of racial product. Read more at 
Displaying image.jpg

Weekly Calendar

As we all know this is an online course therefore, I need to arrange my schedule so I have time to apply to this English 102 course. 

Sleep SleepSleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep 
Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep 
Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep 
Sleep Sleep Sleep  Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep 
Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep 
Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep 
Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep 
Sleep EatSleep EatSleep  Sleep Sleep 
Sleep HomeworkSleep HomeworkSleep Sleep Sleep 
Sleep HomeworkSleep HomeworkSleep Sleep Sleep 
EatGo to SchoolEatGo to SchoolEatGo to SchoolEat
HomeworkHomeworkGo to SchoolSocialGo to SchoolClassVolunteer
FreeSleep Sleep 
Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Social
As shown above this is my outlined schedule which I have received from my professor and let me explain to you my outline. First off, If  you have not known before, I am a sophomore pursing my Nursing Degree.Not only am I a full time student but, I am also working at a retirement community(La Posada), volunteering at the Green Valley Hospital, and in a few weeks I will hopefully be in at least two clubs. As of now, My schedule only consists of my sleep, hobbies, social time, school, and work. I put Homework as time I study or do any sort of school work including this course.Work is the paid hours I get working at La Posada. Social is any time I get with friends. When Free is seen on my schedule it means that I have time to do whatever I want with that amount of time so it can vary to Homework,sleep, or even gym. Rest on the other hand is a short amount of time I have to relax before doing the next thing on my schedule. I also included the gym because I like to be active in the gym and it is definitely my main hobby. 

How are you going to arrange your time? 

   After reading the comment I had over my calendar I believe it has helped me realize that I have too much free time. I am planning to join the P.A.I.N club at the UofA and hopefully Alpha Pie Omega to help me fill in more of my "free" areas. 

1.8 My Writing Process

First Thing's First! 

Before writing my first blog EVER, I need to know what type of writing process I posse. 

After reading the Student's Guide I have categorized myself to surprisingly be two of four different types of writers. These four types of writers are titled as a, 
  • Heavy Planner
  • Heavy Reviser
  • Sequential Composer
  • Procrastinator 
I have decided that my writing personality fits best as a Heavy Reviser and quite frankly, a Procrastinator as well.

Desirre Andrews. "Proofread Marks Examples" August 17, 2015 via Flickr. Creative Commons

 Now that I have put myself in these two categories, a few more questions arise form the findings of what type of writing process I posse. These questions are;

1.) How does my writing related to the definition of a Heavy Reviser and Procrastinator?
    Yes, my writing process can be both like a Heavy Reviser and Procrastinator. The reason being why I relate myself to a Heavy Revisers is because both a Heavy Reviser and I need to write writing ideas on paper. Not only do I need to write my ideas on paper but, I also like to reread what I have written to insert more thoughts or to correct simple punctuation and grammar. Although I do quite a bit as a Heavy Reviser, I also seem to like to do Heavy Revising last minute. This is why I would consider myself to be both a Heavy Reviser and a Procrastinator.

2.)Does my writing process seem to be a successful and what are its strengths and weaknesses?
    Yes, I would say my writing process of being both a Heavy Reviser and Procrastinator has proven to be successful so far. Although my writing process has done me good up till now, it does have its weaknesses. Since my work(the work being any sort of writing assignment) is done last minute, I cannot seem to have as much time spent on my work as I would if I decided to do it a few days before hand. This is a huge weakness of being a procrastinator, but at the same time its the golden key.  Considering that I am doing my work last minute, this allows required pressure and hard thinking. With both of these outcomes it allows me to be a good Heavy Reviser by writing all my ideas on paper. On the other hand, Being a Heavy Reviser, I would say, does not have a downfall. It is a really good quality to have. 

3.)Do I think it would be beneficial if I tried a different approach? Why or why not? 
    No, like I had said before, this method has yet to prove me wrong.  

    The comment that I received helped me to realize that I should be more open minded to changing my writing method. I feel like it is a good idea to try different writing methods to see which will give me the absolute BEST end result. 

Check out my comments on the blogs below!